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Editorial note: As a physician trained to regard informed consent around pharmaceuticals, I believe there can never be too much information provided to women who must make decisions about exposing...
Robin Williams, Chris Cornell, and Chester Bennington all revealed details of their struggles with depression and anxiety before they made the tragic decisions to end their lives. You’re...
Have we gotten it all wrong? When we can move beyond fear into curiosity, we find that illness is the body’s wisdom playing out in its own highly designed and incredibly personal way.
If you’ve chosen to take antidepressants, it’s probably because it made sense to you at the time of that decision. But does it need to be a lifelong commitment? Anne’s journey...
“Sure, I agree that cleaning up your diet and meditating can help with depression, but how can you say that antidepressants don’t work? Prozac saved my sister’s life!”
You may believe that there are some “mental illnesses” that really require medication. Top of that list is likely to be chronic paranoid Schizophrenia, I would imagine.
The story you...
13 years ago, my life looked very different than it does today. I was married to my best friend, had a successful career in advertising, and was planning to have a family. However, all that...
Individuals perpetrating unspeakable acts of violence is not a new phenomenon. What’s new, rather, are the altered states of consciousness induced by antidepressants and other psychotropic...
Tears streamed down her face.
“I can’t take it anymore” she sobbed. “All of my old, stupid worries are back, and I haven’t slept in a month, and I feel like I’m...
In addition to the traditional medicine systems that developed clinical herbal practices over thousands of years, there used to be a knowing amongst women about which herbs are safe, helpful and...
We use a lot of antibiotics. For coughs, cuts, urinary tract infections, and many times “just in case.” You could be considered reckless or ignorant if you opted to not use them....
Tracing the Roots of Depression
It was March 23, 2011, about 2:30 in the afternoon, when I noticed my face was swollen. I was just starting a root canal, and my dentist had told me to expect...