Browse over 500 articles on all things mind and body health related, or filter using the categories below.
It’s a particularly nasty flu season, right – what should we do??
Last week, a student in my daughter’s elementary school died. An apparently healthy, active, and vital 10-year old child suddenly d...
The food you eat directly affects your brain
Food is the best medicine. All your cells, bones, signaling molecules, and tissues are built from what you eat. For example, dietary fats are the buildi...
Antibiotics and the management of pregnancy and birth
“They told me I’ll need IV antibiotics because I had GBS my last pregnancy.“
I could feel Catherine’s confusion as it swirled with her near desp...
Every Saturday, I sit down to review somewhere in the neighborhood of 75-100 scientific abstracts and pull papers that pique my interest. This 11-year-old ritual has kept my finger on the pulse of the...
Sometimes, it just takes one case to bring an entire medical construct to its knees. Because if the current model can't encompass it, then the model must evolve to accomodate the seeming outlier. Curr...
The idea behind vitalism and holistic healthcare is that an environment for wellness can be cultivated once we recognize the body's inherent complexity, wisdom, and its inextricable connection to the ...
Emblematic of symptom-suppression over root-cause resolution, acid blocking medication is sold like an over the counter vitamin, causing disruption of digestion, B12 absorption, and, now microbial dea...
The Ancestral Health Society is a community of scientists, healthcare professionals, and laypersons who collaborate to understand health challenges from an evolutionary perspective. Their annual Sympo...
As we expand our knowledge of gluten's impact on extraintestinal regions and systems in the body, diet-based trials will help to elucidate symptoms driven by this exposure. The limitations of current ...
Biochemical individuality is the event horizon of modern medicine. Our desire to reduce health to heredity and “what we’re born with” has been challenged by the myriad variables that we are now comin...
The best part of my departure from conventional models of psychiatric care is that I no longer have to engage women in the Sophie's Choice between treatments that may be good for mom and not for baby ...