Functional Forum: Accelerating the Evolution of Medicine
I love community. As someone who listens for an inner voice of truth rather than adopting conventional mores, I am familiar with how lonely this type of intellectualism can be. For this reason and more, I am a huge supporter of the vision behind the Functional Forum created by my friends James Maskell and Gabe Hoffman. I helped kickstart it with a presentation on Functional Medicine
and one on Psychiatry
but, I believe that this week's presentation on the state of modern cancer treatment is a paradigm-shifting expose. You will hear from renegade physicians resolving stage 4 metastatic pancreatic cancer, elucidating why and how we are living at the seeming mercy of this epidemic, and why you should run far and fast from "early detection" and treatment including chemo, radiation, and hormonal medications.
Take the time to watch this video because it may open your mind enough to protect you from becoming another victim on the Stockholm Syndrome "battlefield" of pink ribbons and bald heads.
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