Are you an “I’m too much, no one can handle me” girl?
Anyone ever told you “you’re so masculine”?
Tired of the same pattern of “I got this,” “I’m fine,” stuffing it down and then exploding?
Feeling like your power, your pleasure, your relationship to your sexuality and sensuality is over there behind a glass wall?
You're a woman.
You know that you were literally made for huge energies, big creations, and epic embodied power.
So why do you feel like a withered hag most of the time? Complaining, resentful, and disappointed….
You're not crazy. You're a Creatrix.
Join us for this masterclass experience—and learn my favorite alchemy practices for rapid transformation.
When one plays a role, the end result is always depression.
The dark and the light of the feminine…
So many of us get trapped in the illusion that the feminine is just softness, sweetness, and full perky breasts beaming rainbows of love.
We know and feel there is an ugly wrathful witch inside…
…and we lock her in the closet and make sure we are the good girl. The smart girl. The generous girl. The right girl. And sometimes when we do this, we get locked in psych wards because society mirrors our fear of this dark feminine energy…
But what if owning your own darkness was actually the portal to the reclamation of your power, light, and freedom?
“We are not letting ourselves be; we are not letting the flow of excitation move fully through our bodies into expression.
We hold against our anger, our sadness, and our fear. We hold in our crying and our screaming. We hold back our love.
We do this because we are afraid to let go, afraid to be, afraid to live.”
Who needs this
- You’re feeling like there’s more to you but don’t know how to access it
- You apologize, giggle, or raise the tone of your voice when you feel uncomfortable
- You think being hyper-vigilant is the same as being present
- You’re confused about where sexuality belongs in your life
- You get uncomfortable any time you’re stepping out of a familiar role or character
- You feel you need to explain yourself to others who question your decisions
- You judge weakness in men; you resent men but you also want a King
- You have relationship patterns where you partner with safe men or try to control dangerous ones
- You notice a pattern of smalling yourself to make other women comfortable
- You commiserate with others through complaining
- You’re bitter, jealous, resentful, and can describe women you can’t stand
- You feel like you’re living behind a glass wall
- You feel like there’s a right and wrong way to express yourself to get what you want and you get scared that you’ll do it wrong

What you’ll get
- My personal story of initiation
- What may be required for your rebirth to begin
- The most important question to ask if you’re coming out of a dysfunctional relationship
- How to get coherent with your energy and own your no
- Smoke out your victim and shed your struggle
- Shine a light on your biggest fear, yeah the one that is driving your entire life
- The two vital ingredients to energetic freedom from codependent dynamics
- My favorite alchemy practices for rapid transformation
- How we’ve been captured as women and what to do about it
- How to recognize mother and father wounds
- The non-negotiable needs you have and how to get to know them
- The surprising ways unleashing your rage can look
- The order of operations in personal reclamation
- My morning practice these days
Resources bonus: You’ll also receive some bonuses after the event to support your deeper exploration. ✨
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About Dr. Kelly Brogan
KELLY BROGAN, MD, is a holistic psychiatrist, author of the New York Times Bestselling book, A Mind of Your Own, Own Your Self, the children’s book, A Time For Rain, and co-editor of the landmark textbook, Integrative Therapies for Depression. She is the founder of the online healing program Vital Mind Reset, and the membership community, Vital Life Project. She completed her psychiatric training and fellowship at NYU Medical Center after graduating from Cornell University Medical College, and has a B.S. from M.I.T. in Systems Neuroscience. She is specialized in a root-cause resolution approach to psychiatric syndromes and symptoms.