Food & Supplements

Amazi Organic Plantain Chips
Organically Grown, Fair Trade, Gluten-Free, Certified Vegan Chips

Bone Broth
100% grass-fed bone broth from Kettle and Fire.

100% Organic Ghee
Butter for the casein intolerant.

Go Raw
Sprouted pumpkin seeds.

Kauai Farmacy
Fresh, herbal teas and products from Hawaii.

Nick's Sticks
Grass-fed beef snacks.

Paleo Snack Bars
Gluten free, paleo, grass-fed meat bars.

Paleo Valley
Grass-fed organ supplements and snacks

Power Wraps
Raw, Sprouted, GF. I’m waiting for the agave-free version, but a highly edible snack!

Radiant Life
Ancestral health products and resources.

Raw Crunch Bar
Raw, handmade, nut & seed bar.

Sea Snax
Olive oil roasted seaweed snacks.

Sole Therapy
Salt-based support for healing.

Thrive Market
Online market offering a wide variety of organic products. Annual membership required.

Tulsi Tea
A great coffee substitute.

Vital Choice
Low toxin fish products to your door.

Vital Proteins
Grass-fed collagen and protein powders.

The YES Bar
Dark chocolate chip, gluten-free, paleo snack bars.

Amata Life
Personal care products sold by Dr. Christiane Northrup.

Practitioner-grade nutritional supplements. Registration required.
Personal Care Products

Annmarie Skin Care
Wildcrafted, organic skin care products.

Daysy Fertility Monitor
Non-hormonal contraception. Plan/prevent pregnancy with 99.3% accuracy. No side effects!

Fat and the Moon Deodorant Cream
Coconut oil based and aluminum-free. Use coupon code KB20 for 20% off their deoderant cream.

Pregnancy safe hair dye system.

Lotuswei Flower Essences
Flower essences in the form of elixirs, mists, skin serums, and natural perfumes.

Natural dental and oral health products.

Swanwick Glasses
Blue light protection glasses to improve sleep quality.

Queen of the Thrones
Castor oil packs.
Household Products

Counter-top water purifiers that remove fluoride and other contaminants.

Carbon60 Infused Olive Oil
AlfaVedic has many beautiful offerings, and C60 is my current favorite. It’s one of the most effective free radical scavengers available. (Use "KBMD" discount code.)

Clearly Filtered
Water filtration products that remove fluoride and other contaminants.

This is a colloidal crystal that mitigates electromagnetic disturbance.

Leela Quantum H.E.A.L. Capsules
These are personal “capsules” charged with healing energies that generate a toroidal field, harmonizing energies in a 3 foot radius.

Neoflam Cookware
Ceramic, nonstick 9-piece set.

A research-based handmade space harmonizer that uses precious stones and minerals to clear the ambient home environment. Some models even structure water! (Use discount code "KELLY" for 15% off at checkout.)

Save 10% on their water subscription service by using coupon code: KELLY10.

Environmental Working Group
A hyper-useful site for navigating non-toxic consumer choices.

Healthy Child
Protect your children from the toxic exposures they face on a daily basis.
Educational Resources

EMF Home Safety Masterclass
My friend Luke Storey's online EMF Home Safety Masterclass, has all the information you need, all in one place.

The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest
Groundbreaking, 9-episode docu-series featuring 131 interviews on the topic of cancer.

The Truth About Vaccines
7-episode docu-series featuring 54 interviews on the topic of vaccines.

Video Library from Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez
Collection of videos from my mentor and renown cancer doctor, Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez.

Ancient Chinese Healing Secrets
An introduction to wisdom healing Qigong from Master Mingtong Gu.
Pregnancy & Healthy Child
Choices in Child Birth – Resources for a healthy birth.
Dream Team Baby – Effective and compassionate sleep training model.
Fearless Parent – A forum for discussion of thoughtful parent-based, rather than doctor, media, or corporate-based pregnancy and childcare wisdom. Dr. Brogan is the Medical Director.
Hairprint – Pregnancy safe hair dye system.
Happy Healthy Child – Skip the hospital birthing course, and learn everything you need to know about all that your pregnancy and birth can be, from the comfort of your home.
Holistic Moms Network – News, events, and local support of holistic parenting choices.
Home Sweet, Homebirth – Holistic midwifery, childbirth education, and support services.
Honest Company – Non-toxic baby and household products, at a discount.
Kelly Mom – Breastfeeding issues.
Midwives – New York area homebirth midwives.
Milk Share – Milk donation and sourcing.
National Vaccine Information Center – Independent clearinghouse for disease and vaccine information.
Pathways to Family Wellness – Publication, events, and community-building around holistic parenting and informed healthcare choices.
Energy Medicine & Spirituality
Alzheimer’s Research – Dr. Dharma Singh Khalsa offers an evidence-based medical meditation model for longevity.
Global Village – Videos for home practice of Kundalini yoga & meditation.
HeartMath Inner Balance – Transform your stress response by visualizing it.
Kundalini Cures – Protocols for mental illness by David Shannahoff-Khalsa.
Spiritual Emergence Network – Searchable referral directory and support service for those experiencing psychospiritual difficulties.
Chi Center for Wisdom Healing Qigong – Join Master MingTong Gu for online programs or in-person retreats
Reforming Mental Health Care
Bipolar Awakenings – Resources for finding meaning and healing from bipolar disorder.
Beyond Meds – A resource for patients and doctors looking for help with recovery from medication treatment.
Inner Compass Initiative (ICI) – Resource for people coming off of psychiatric medications.
Inner Fire – A holistic residential healing center for psychiatric medication withdrawal.
Integrative Mental Health for You – Educational resource for psychology, energy medicine, and spiritual emergence.
Know Your Drugs – A global awareness campaign that advocates for informed consent.
Mad in America – A forum for concerned citizens, physicians, and activists interested in cultivating new models of mental health care.
- – An encylopedia of medication-induced Homicides.
Rxisk – Dr. David Healy, psychiatrist, working to bring awareness to medication dangers.
Toxic Psychiatry – Dr. Peter Breggin exposes the dangers of the psychiatric model.
Will Hall – Support and resources for medication taper and withdrawal.
Like-Minded Blogs & Resources
Birth Control Pill Discontinuation Support – A forum for discussion of oral contraceptive risks and alternatives.
Chris Kresser – Integrative Medicine practitioner with a similar focus with regards to women’s mental health.
Christiane Northrup, MD – Holistic Ob/Gyn, spiritualist, and women’s empowerment activist.
David Perlmutter, MD – Functional medicine neurologist with a focus on Paleo cures.
Food Babe – Investigative reporting on processed food concerns.
Frank Lipman, MD – NYC Wellness Leader.
Greater Good Movie Vaccine Resource – A parent-friendly resource for science-based information around vaccination.
GreenMedInfo – Home to the world’s largest natural health database and educational resources around evidence-based holistic care.
Healthy Home Economist – A mom and pioneering natural health enthusiast on topics from birthing to cooking.
Hormones Matter – A science-based, research-oriented resource for pioneering women’s health progress.
Joan Borysenko, PhD – cell biologist, psychologist, spiritualist and psychoneuroimmunology expert.
Joseph Aldo – Naturopath, intuitive healer, and flower essence expert.
Joanna Moncrieff – A brilliant psychiatrist critical of the current paradigm.
Lawrence B. Palevsky, MD – Holistic pediatrician in NYC providing educational resources to support children naturally.
National Academy of Hypothyroidism – Why your conventional doctor may not know the full story on thyroid dysfunction.
Paleo Mom – Paleo approach to mothering.
Perfect Health Diet – Moderate carb and paleo guidelines.
Personalized Lifestyle Medicine Institute – A forum for communication about cutting-edge lifestyle medicine practice and science.
Underground Wellness – Consortium of holistic health and real food enthusiasts, blogs, videos, radio.
Wellness Mama – Mother of five and paleo recipe genius.
German New Medicine – Framework for redefining disease causation and healing options.
Practitioner Referrals
The Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine – Locate certified physicians.
Holistic Pediatric Association – Find a holistic pediatrician near you.
Institute for Functional Medicine – Find a functional medicine practitioner.
Integrative Medicine for Mental Health – Referral registry and resources.
Thyroid Change – Thyroid-literate practitioners, supporting data, and resources for progressing the treatment of thyroid dysfunction.
The Trauma Center – Dr. Bessel van der Kolk’s practitioner referrals for those who have been impacted by trauma and adversity.
Affiliate Disclosure: This page contains affiliate links to products and services that Dr. Kelly Brogan has personally vetted and feels confident recommending to her patients and followers. Dr. Brogan may receive a small commission for products or services purchased through these links. Proceeds are used in support of ongoing work.