Welcome to a personal living library of curated sovereignty resources you won't find anywhere else…


Sov-er-eign-ty: a self-governing state.

Are you ready to make choices that are not influenced by your socialized belief systems?

Do you want tools that allow you to choose how you pave your own life?

Do you have a felt sense that the way things are could be better? Are you tired of fighting systems that anger you, disappoint you, and feel dehumanizing? Do you sometimes feel that the nature of reality as it's been presented just doesn't add up?

Let me support you in becoming a Sovereign Creator of your own Reality.

Only then does the invitation into authentic power present itself through the prism of reckoning with how we were stuck in paradigms of struggle, dependency, and meaninglessness…

But what happens when the deception— one that we have colluded with and that has been handed down to us intergenerationally— runs even deeper than we’d like?

Well, we just keep asking questions and putting one foot in front of the other...

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At a certain point in the Sovereignty journey, not knowing becomes a signpost for adventure.

Exposing a myth becomes funny. And learning becomes a hobby.

Because Sovereignty isn’t fighting, it isn’t begging for rights and permission.

It’s courageous awareness coupled with inspired action towards the new reality we came here to create from the ashes of the old. 

In the Sovereignty Series...

I speak to some of my favorite thinkers, innovators, and paradigm busters of all time!

You’ll laugh, you’ll be inspired, and you’ll feel expanded beyond the tired versions of reality that were keeping you stuck and afraid.

It is through the teachings of these sage souls that you will remember what Sovereignty feels like, deep within.

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I don’t know about you, but the past two years have led me to one uncomfortable and also inspiring realization: if I don’t like what’s on offer, I better get down to the business of creating what I do like!

To me, sovereignty is being totally ok with what’s unfolding because you know you’ve already got what you need, you know how to alchemize, and you trust that what you want is on its way.

But who actually lives this way?!

How do we walk this walk?

When we are in the energy of those who are already being how we long to be, we get encoded with that possibility and then growing into it is effortless, and really a foregone conclusion.

That’s why it matters so much who you talk to, hang with, and learn from!

It’s also why I got super clear on who I trust to guide me on this path toward true sovereignty and I started to go deep with each of them.

I asked probing questions, specific details, and really began to map out what I needed to know in order to end the war with what is…on the outside and the inside.

The result is my ongoing and ever-expanding library called The Sovereignty Series!

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I don’t know about you, but the past two years have led me to one uncomfortable and also inspiring realization: if I don’t like what’s on offer, I better get down to the business of creating what I do like!

To me, sovereignty is being totally ok with what’s unfolding because you know you’ve already got what you need, you know how to alchemize, and you trust that what you want is on its way.

But who actually lives this way?!

How do we walk this walk?

When we are in the energy of those who are already being how we long to be, we get encoded with that possibility and then growing into it is effortless, and really a foregone conclusion.

That’s why it matters so much who you talk to, hang with, and learn from!

It’s also why I got super clear on who I trust to guide me on this path toward true sovereignty and I started to go deep with each of them.

I asked probing questions, specific details, and really began to map out what I needed to know in order to end the war with what is…on the outside and the inside.

The result is my ongoing and ever-expanding library called The Sovereignty Series!

Some of our featured experts include...

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Dr. Melissa Sell

Dr. Andrew Kaufman

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Samantha Zipporah

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Dr. Tom Cowan

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Dr. Steve Young

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Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan

Keep this series like your favorite family encyclopedia of reclamation tools and frameworks, reference it as needed, and enjoy the energy of creation that comes with true liberation…

…in fact, the truth is that I created this growing library for my children.

I wanted them to be exposed to information, energies, and paradigms they wouldn’t learn in school, from other adults in their life, or from media of any kind.

I wanted them to know the truth which is that we have full creative power and agency, already, over our lives, lifestyles, and lived experience.

Don't let the fear of looking bad, and being wrong or ostracized keep you from connecting the dots of the narratives that we have been told. Make peace with the possibility that nothing is as it seems, and let go of the part of you who needs things to stay predictable, familiar, and organized by known authority figures. Begin dreaming up a day-to-day experience that resonates deeper with the soul of your humanity.

Purchase the Entire Series

Get an insider look with these sneak previews!

The Water Cure
  • Andy’s belief that nature provides all agents of recovery and renewal that we need, and sees the body as a self healing system.
  • Andy’s physical and psycho-spiritual experience with a 26 day water fast.
  • How water fasting creates the space and container to just be with and experience the void of existence that we all run from.
  • Why fasting is the most holistic and natural way to heal, and how we have been conditioned to see food as more than a functional element of survival.
  • Practical tips for how to do a water fast when you have a job, children, and other obligations in life.
The Water Cure
  • Andy’s belief that nature provides all agents of recovery and renewal that we need, and sees the body as a self healing system.
  • Andy’s physical and psycho-spiritual experience with a 26 day water fast.
  • How water fasting creates the space and container to just be with and experience the void of existence that we all run from.
  • Why fasting is the most holistic and natural way to heal, and how we have been conditioned to see food as more than a functional element of survival.
  • Practical tips for how to do a water fast when you have a job, children, and other obligations in life.
Outer Exploration & Finding Cosmic Stillness
  • How and why Steve began questioning his conventional physics education.
  • What is “science that bears fruit,” and how is it different from theoretical & contemplative science that most people exalt in modern times?
  • Some of the biggest myths about the cosmos that Steve has uncovered.
  • Debunking the concept of ether and other foundational beliefs that make up our current assumptions about the systems and structures of earth and space.
  • The implications of believing that stars are all smaller suns, and why one cannot justify this claim.
Gardening for Survival 101
  • Why you don’t need to be overly ambitious when you are starting a garden for the first time.
  • The first steps to take in order to start your own personal garden without getting overwhelmed.
  • Water and nutrient conservation strategy.
  • How to get the best quality gardening soil.
  • Why you want to implement a canopy effect strategy when gardening and how to do it.
  • What does the day-to-day lifestyle of watering and gardening maintenance look like?
Gardening for Survival 101
  • Why you don’t need to be overly ambitious when you are starting a garden for the first time.
  • The first steps to take in order to start your own personal garden without getting overwhelmed.
  • Water and nutrient conservation strategy.
  • How to get the best quality gardening soil.
  • Why you want to implement a canopy effect strategy when gardening and how to do it.
  • What does the day-to-day lifestyle of watering and gardening maintenance look like?
Internal Family Systems: Meet Your Parts
  • Why self-inquiry based healing modalities such as Internal Family Systems and Family Constellation Therapy are burgeoning.
  • How to understand and become familiar with the different “parts” of yourself.
  • What happens when we can accept and befriend the more extreme and dark parts of our psyche, and also the parts of us that arise in the face of another’s extreme aspects?
  • Internal Family Systems in action: Dr. Holmes guides me through a retrieval of her different parts.

What's Included

When you purchase the Sovereignty Series, you'll receive full access to my complete video library of interviews with some of my favorite renegade doctors, teachers, experts, and friends who are paving their own way.

The topics we discuss include:

Homesteading & Emancipating from Systems
  • Starting a garden
  • Live a school free life
  • Raise your own chickens for eggs
  • Fermentation basics
  • Get off your smartphone (PDF)
  • Private-based business options
Inner Reclamation & Radical Self-Healing Paradigms
  • Victim consciousness 101
  • Journaling for clarity
  • Strong spine, soft heart
  • Parts work demo
  • Urine therapy
  • Water fasting
  • Conscious contraception and pregnancy release
  • Natural medicine cabinet (PDF)
  • Family Constellation work
Outer Exploration & Free Thinking
  • Moving beyond germ theory
  • The myth of cells, DNA, and genes
  • Flat earth, round earth, and cosmology
  • Identifying psyops
  • German New Medicine
  • The impact of feminism on man-woman relating
  • Corrected cosmology

With more topics added to the series library as I am inspired by my favorite colleagues including upcoming discussions on trust-based business models, Tartaria and alternative history, and the importance of logical fallacies and how to think scientifically!

Plus get these bonus sovereignty related ebooks
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"When you categorized all these topics under sovereignty and reclamation, it made my whole journey through them (over many years, careers and friendships lost) instantly coherent. I understand myself better, why I was drawn to exploring them each viscerally and asking questions. And now the purpose of my curiosity is, in a moment, much deeper, even more meaningful."

Join me in reclaiming your Sovereignty, inside and out.

Keep this series like your favorite family encyclopedia of reclamation tools and frameworks, reference it as needed, and enjoy the energy of creation that comes with true liberation.

Sovereignty Series


  • Get over 15 interviews in the complete collection
  • Two e-book PDFs
  • Two workshops
  • Access to future library additions

Frequently Asked Questions

About Dr. Kelly Brogan

KELLY BROGAN, MD, is a holistic psychiatrist, author of the New York Times Bestselling book, A Mind of Your OwnOwn Your Self, the children’s book, A Time For Rain, and co-editor of the landmark textbook, Integrative Therapies for Depression. She is the founder of the online healing program Vital Mind Reset, and the membership community, Vital Life Project. She completed her psychiatric training and fellowship at NYU Medical Center after graduating from Cornell University Medical College, and has a B.S. from M.I.T. in Systems Neuroscience. She is specialized in a root-cause resolution approach to psychiatric syndromes and symptoms.